There are several components that make up an overall strategy for good dental health. A dental cleaning is most definitely one of them. Our Stoughton family dentist is committed to helping you prevent the effects of tooth decay and gum disease from causing you problems. And prevention is a far easier than treating it after the fact. First, you should maintain a healthful diet and watch how much sugar you consume in your foods and drinks. Second, you should brush (preferably after every meal) and floss daily. And third, you should come in every six months to our office for a full dental exam that includes a dental cleaning.
The primary purpose of nearly every dental product is to combat plaque. Along with its hardened form, tartar, which can form when plaque remains on your teeth for more than a few days, it is the enemy of good oral well-being. Plaque causes tooth decay and the resulting cavities. It also leads to gum disease, getting between teeth and between teeth and gums, some of it avoiding the reach of your toothbrush and floss. Our Stoughton family dentist will do a teeth cleaning to remove the unwanted plaque and tartar from your mouth.
Your twice yearly visit to our office includes a full dental checkup, which means a physical and visual inspection of your teeth and gums. X-rays are the best way for our Stoughton family dentist to find cavities before they get bigger. By filling them as soon as possible, your tooth won't become as prone to infections in the pulp area, which typically requires root canal therapy to address. In worst case scenarios, you could even lose a tooth to advanced decay. As for your gums, gingivitis (the first stage of gum disease) can usually be reversed with a teeth cleaning or two. But if it's ignored, the results can be scary and they include gum infections, loss of gum and bone tissue, and even loose teeth that might be lost in the balance. Dental cleaning gives you a mouth that feels fresh because it is. It's simple and quick. Call us today and schedule yours.
By Stoughton Dentistry
December 22, 2015
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