Stoughton MA Dental Office
If you have missing teeth that need to be replaced, you will want to visit us at our dental practice, Stoughton Dentistry/Reddy. At our
Stoughton MA dental office, you can be seen by one of our dental experts, just one of whom is Dr. Mahesh Sajjupalli.
When you have missing teeth and come to our Stoughton MA dental office for treatment, our dentist can provide you with either fixed or removable bridges or complete or partial dentures. Each of these different dental solutions can provide the right treatment for a missing tooth problem. If you have missing teeth, you will want to replace them to help maintain the shape of your face, and to ease any stress that may be placed on your bite. When a patient has missing teeth, adjacent teeth may try to move over to fill in the gap left by the missing teeth. Additionally, the tooth directly over or below the missing tooth will have undue stress placed on it and may itself develop periodontal problems. A bridge will replace missing teeth with artificial teeth. There is a tooth suspended in between two crowns, which are permanently attached to adjacent teeth. There can also be a removable bridge which is attached by clasps to adjacent teeth. Dental implants have also been able to secure dental bridges. Dentures are removed from the mouth several times a day so that they can be cleaned. It is also important to also provide rest for the gums that the dentures rest upon. This will help to ensure that the gums do not become irritated by the new dentures. You can be sure that whether you get a dental bridge or dentures at our dental practice, that they will be attractive, comfortable, and fully functional in your mouth.
For an appointment to meet with our dentist at our
Stoughton MA dental office, contact us today.
By Stoughton Dentistry
December 30, 2016
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